
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The flower


Anonymous said...

Uma rosa,
um amor, uma sombra
do que era - no vazio
repleto de cedĂȘncias
e paixÔes - viver
sem rede,
no fio da navalha,
o medo
de expressar um gesto
de desejo.
Ou de ternura.

Maria said...

"The fower"
It is wonderful the flower!
It is wonderful the wish!
that claims for LOVE!
Inside of you is the vision!
The image, the thought!
The feeling,joy!
It`s a grace to be alive.


Maria said...

"The fower"
It is wonderful the flower!
It is wonderful the wish!
that claims for LOVE!
Inside of you is the vision!
The image, the thought!
The feeling,joy!
It`s a grace to be alive.
